ReelEx Submission Form

Please call for pricing if it is unclear as we will not begin service until payment is received. We DO NOT take credit cards, debits cards, or Paypal....Personal checks or money orders only please. We will call and advise should any non-included parts be needed and we will include an invoice with your returned reels for any additional costs only after your authorization to do so. Please do not use reel covers, original boxes,and or cases unless it is a single reel order.

THANK YOU very much for the opportunity!

Payment Enclosed: YES       

Name: ________________________    



Zip Code:_____________________

mandatory or we will not correct any problems found when serviced that may need additioanl parts? If we can't contact you, we can't fix it. 

Email: ___________________________________________(optional)

Number of reels enclosed:___________ 

Special instructions for me:____________________________________________________________________


                                                 NO ORIGINAL BOXES or REEL WRAPS PLEASE                          

Ship to:

ReelEx Express Reel Service
19191 Gooselake Court
Hidden Valley Lake, California

                   Shipping Label

Payment must be submitted for service and or bearing upgrades at the time of submission as I no longer invoice after service. Not sure of pricing please call....